

These are not just lap dogs!

SO COOL! Saw the 4th Annual Loews Coronado Bay Surf Competition held on June 20th at the Imperial Beach and noticed something shocking, the surfers are DOGS. This amazing dog event was sponsored by Loews Coronado Bay Resort’s Good Neighbor Council and was honored to organize and host this fun-filled dog surfing event as part of its Loews Loves Pets program.

Now, I thought that fetching a stick was...

Eco Friendly Canine Couture

Heard of the neatest thing the other day, a great new eco-friendly apparel company designed and donated a t-shirt for the Four Legged Fashion show. I checked it out online and had no idea that such fashion show even took place. I wish I could have attended, what a great event! Debbie of Seedsucker contributed the human and doggie shirt (shown), how cute! Seedsucker also operaties a really neat env...

Life Vest for Dogs, so many uses

Doing my normal internet surfing for dog clothing and accessorories, I stumbled across a pretty cool idea to keep your doggies safe while they are frolicking in the water, LIFE JACKETS FOR DOGS!

I am amazed, I had no idea that not all dogs can swim, so having a floation device on your dog would ease your mind. The life jacketalso provides an effective way to rehabilitate dogs with leg injuries....

Working Hollywood Dogs - Where Are They Now? (And What Are They Wearing?)

We all know People Magazine has great celebrity style know-how. In it's most recent issue - they offered a pet-enthusiast style feature - and just had to share and comment. This article and photo feature showcases some celebrity pups (and more!) in their drop-dead gorgeous accessories and apparel - trust us, this is top of the line stuff here.

In the latest issue of People, they featured a “Where...