Life Vest for Dogs, so many uses


Doing my normal internet surfing for dog clothing and accessorories, I stumbled across a pretty cool idea to keep your doggies safe while they are frolicking in the water, LIFE JACKETS FOR DOGS!

I am amazed, I had no idea that not all dogs can swim, so having a floation device on your dog would ease your mind. The life jacket also provides an effective way to rehabilitate dogs with leg injuries. Sometimes after surgeries, dogs are immobilized and this makes many of our furry friends unhappy. But with one of these lifejackets our dogs can take of excess strain and rehabilitate effectively by swimming rather than going for a run. Not all dogs take to them right off, I understand that in time, they adjust just fine. Not sure if your dog is anything like mine, but my playful doggy loves to jump in the pool and swim with our family during the summer. We love having him in, but have always worried about how long he can swim safely. You know, they swim out and then they look a little tired so you try and lead them back to the edge or step of the pool.

These canine life vests come in many different sizes, different prices, different colors and by different brands. I found great ones which I am excited to share with you today. Some of these are large size dog life vests others smaller sized floation support for your petite pooch. . Now your pup can play with the family and be just as safe as your toddler who should be wearing water wings ;).There is more than just safety when swimming with family. We go out on our boat pretty frequently and in case our pup slips off the edge or decides to take a dive, we know that he will be taken care of with one of these safe yet fashionable life saving dog vests.

What a great idea to take care of our dogs during these summer months. What pup wants to stay at home while the family is outside enjoying their summer? I can’t wait to see these on the lake this summer!

Here are a few dog water safety tips for your little one: You can get additonal tips at:

~Test your dog, see if he can swim. If not, don’t force him in the water, especially puppies.

~Do not let your dog drink pool, lake or saltwater. It can make him sick.

~Watch for algae scum in any body of water as it can be toxic for dogs.

~Know Dog CPR

~Be careful of unfamiliar lakes or parts of the beach. Strong currents can pull the dog right under.

~Limit your dog’s time in the water. They get very tired too and older dogs will poop out much faster.

~Dogs can get sunburned too, apply dog sunscreen to their ears and their noses.

~Keep your dog hydrated

~Hot sand or a hot boat dock or deck can burn your dog’s paws. Try putting your pooch in these great dog sandals to protect them!

Keep your family safe this summer and ENJOY!

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