News — puppy products


Hair Color Goes to the Dogs

Give your dog a distinctive look with pet-friendly hair dyes.

Humans aren’t the only “people” who like to feel pampered and pretty. Dogs do too!
Start by giving your dog a bath using some of the top brand-name products available at the Posh Puppy Boutique then spice your pup up with some hair dye gel and nail polish.
Our grooming product lines include Cain & AbleJohn Paul – Paul MitchellTropiclea...

Outfit Your New Pup the Posh Puppy Way

The Posh Puppy Boutique has everything to keep your new arrival comfortable, cozy and clean.

Did the holidays bring you or yours a new puppy? If so, equip them with the highest quality, most fashionable pet accessories around from thePosh Puppy Boutique.
Start by keeping them warm on cold winter days and nights with our Louis Dog Baby Dog Hoodie ($90) in either antique blue or milk cocoa. Both have...