National Dog Week - means appreciate your dog!

With this last week being National Dog Week, Posh Puppy Boutique would like to take a moment and really spotlight the Dog.
The dog is truly what many call "man's best friend" and we find that out everyday when our dog is waiting on us to get home. The

This year marked the 74th National Dog Week and it just so happened that "Man's Best Friend" was the theme of this year. The phrase "man's best friend" is a well worn but accurate description of the depth of our relationship with dogs. It is that relationship which is celebrated during National Dog Week.
So... because Posh Puppy Boutique owes their success to the dog, we honor and celebrate the dog. What better way to

The Loyalty and Friendship tee would be perfect for your pal or the true "BFF" dog tee!
How about create a Facebook page for your dog and have his default picture be him in the "Friend Me" dog T-Shirt.
What about a Best Buddies Dog Robe to wear before nighty night time? Or.. want to be near your dog try the great Doggie Side Sleeper and have him super close to you while you are snoozing.
A Posh Puppy Boutique favorite for love and friendship is the I Am Loved Handmade Handpainted Dog Collar. This special collar was created to reflect your pet's true love and friendship and touch all hearts when other's see your dog in this special dog collar.

What dog doesn't love to eat and loves to have treats? The I love my dog treats would be perfect to show the love. The cookies are handmade and healthy and guaranteed to be tasty and yummy to your pup!
Whatever way you decide to show your love to your dog - do it. Love your dog the way that your dog loves you - unconditional and at Posh Puppy Boutique we love our dogs!
- Posh Puppy Boutique