Patience is a Virtue!


Halloween is almost here and that means that your pet will be sporting his favorite Halloween costume!
If you are like me and enjoy taking pictures, it is a must to know how to take the best pictures of your pets.

Suggestions for taking pet pictures are:
1/  Use treats : Bribery and motivation is the key. Pick a yummy treat and use it to your advantage. 

2/  Use good light: While outdoors is the best light; if you must take indoors make sure it is a well lit room and use your flash.

3/  Background: I know we all want to stick pumpkins around Fido and spooky decorations but it’s not the best for the picture and most of the time causes distractions.

4/Don’t get crazy with the costume: We all know that some costumes can be uncomfortable. Make sure you let your dog move around for a bit in the costume and make sure you put on the headpiece last before snapping the picture!

5/ Make sure that you get down to his level: Don’t try and take the picture from up above him. Kneel down and snap his photo from his level. It will make for a better picture.

There is additional information on taking pet photo's on most pet websites!
After you take the pictures, share with your family and friends! We all need a good laugh, and if you have not gotten your best buddy a Halloween costume yet, you better hurry! Check out Posh Puppy Boutique's great Halloween costumes for your dog!

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